
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Whoops, daddy is still learning too

This morning Dave got up and worked on making a double-batch of pancakes so we can freeze a bunch for easy toasting. He followed a multi-flour recipe, used unique ingredients, everything was going SO well.....until, I happened to notice the OLIVE oil on the counter. I said, "Ummmm, Dave, why is this out?" His eye popped out of his head and he said, "I THOUGHT THAT WAS GRAPESEED OIL!" Grayson can't have olive, it's one of the foods he is allergic to. Soooo, we will try them once in a while, but they cannot be eaten often and if he has a reaction, well, then WE eat them I guess, ha ha ha. He learned his lesson, READ everything you use!! Grayson ate the mistaken pancakes today and he did well so far, tomorrow is another day, we shall see!

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