
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is it the chicken or the egg?

I have often said that I am learning more about my own health through my children, but lately, it seems to be the reverse.  In the process of preparing to have my dental revision (replacement of amalgams and cavitations cleaned out), I am learning more about my health status which is in turn, helping me understand the deficiencies in my children! For the first time since starting biomedicine, I really feel like I am coming full circle with the whole picture.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been found to have low sodium, am borderline hypothyroid, have an enlarged thyroid, my cholesterol is too low, my MCV, MCH, and BUN are high and as odd as it sounds my eyeballs and thyroid are holding onto mercury.  There were many other findings, but these are significant.

A huge piece of the puzzle comes into play with the thyroid which is often one of the first organs to be effected by mercury poisoning.  Even before I had my blood work done, I had ordered and started using iodine, based on symptoms I was having (especially being cold and tired all the time lately).  I also was able to tie it to the kids and their symptoms which includes pathogenic and viral overgrowth as well as an inability to detox, among many other things.  In the process of ramping up my dose, I began having odd sensations and a fogginess in my eyes along with frontal headaches.  The symptoms were often reduced quite a bit by doing something called salt loading (when I load up on a sea salt with high mineral content), and since I have found out I am low in sodium, this makes complete sense.  You can see the basic iodine protocol here.  I have also read that iodine encourages natural detox, hence the eyes burning and acting up!  I've read some truly amazing stories about others who have changed their lives by addressing their thyroid problems naturally.  What I also find interesting is most of us struggling with this are under the medical radar, because our test results put us in the "normal" range.  There is actually a "Type 2" hypothyroidism that is going undetected in a huge part of the population, because of doctors who primarily treat the test results rather than the patient and his or her clinical symptoms.  The reason it isn't showing up on tests, is because there are sufficient levels of thyroid hormones being produced, it's how the body is using them (or in our cases, not using them) that differs!!

"Type 2 hypothyroidism is defined as peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones at the cellular level. It is not due to a lack of adequate thyroid hormones. Normal amounts of thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are detected by the blood tests; therefore, blood tests do not detect Type 2 hypothyroidism. Type 2 hypothyroidism is usually inherited. However, environmental toxins may also cause or exacerbate the problem."

Well that certainly makes sense to me.  These people tend to show physical signs as they progress with the illness, like puffy eyes and faces.  They retain weight regardless of their diet and work out programs and they often experience bouts of depression and fatigue.  Goodness, this sounds like more than half of America, if you ask me!  Check out this link for before and after treatment pictures that will blow you away!  I've been lucky enough to not have the puffiness or weight gain, but that is probably where another large part of my large puzzle comes into play....

Low cholesterol.  Society has been so brainwashed to think we need our cholesterol lowered.  This is not so, in fact, a healthy total cholesterol is 222mg/dL!! which is above the lab range of 125-200mg/dL. Yet again (surprise, surprise) the lab testing ranges are wrong!  People who have under 160mg/dL are predisposed to violent behavior, suicide, depression, anxiety, delinquency, bipolar disease, Parkinson's disease, manganese deficiency, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, liver disease, malabsorption, and malnutrition.  This is because cholesterol plays an important role in many physiological factors in the body.  The formation of sterol hormones, cell membranes and bile acids, would not be possible without cholesterol!  I found this in a newsletter (again, the universe is speaking to me, I ALWAYS get ironically timely newsletters related to what is going on with our family!) from Great Plains Labs....tell me if this doesn't sound like autistic children?!

"lower cholesterol values were also found in chronic fatigue syndrome and in children with dyslexia, a difficulty in reading. More recently, it has been discovered that cholesterol is needed to activate a protein called Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) which plays a central role in neural patterning, mood regulation, and cerebral development.  This could be why individuals with cholesterol deficiency are more prone to aggressive behavior, lack of attention, increased number of infections, and motor difficulty. Cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of serotonin receptors which are responsible for good mood and oxytocin receptors needed for good social interactions and interpersonal bonding. "

Check out this article from Great Plains Labs

It goes on further to say, regarding medical grade supplementation of cholesterol

"Parents reported that their children were sleeping through the night, overcoming aggressive behaviors, learning to walk, speaking and becoming more responsive to family members.  Other parents reported a decrease in the rate of infections, reduced skin rashes, reduction in self-injurious behaviors, improved muscle tones, rapid growth and improved behavior overall.  It was reported that one autistic adult, without speech, even spoke for the first time. "

I tend to wonder if any of the autistic children out there are even being monitored for cholesterol levels?!  This make so much sense, especially since the foods that contain the higher amounts of cholesterol are shellfish/seafood, breads, soy, eggs, and dairy!  I know for us, we are avoiding all but one of those foods and most of these kids tend to be sensitive to eggs too!  Is it the chicken or the egg?

New Beginnings makes a medical grade cholesterol supplement that offers 250mg of cholesterol per capsule, that is equal to one egg.  It's called Sonic Cholesterol and requires a doctor referral to buy.

What does this have to do with my children?  For one, the low cholesterol....probably genetic, but also would make sense that children who do not eat the foods listed above (just about all kids using biomedicine) are on the low side.  Grayson's total cholesterol was 152.  Do you think ANY Doctor mentioned this to us?  All they did was look at the items that were "out of range" per the lab standards, and even those items were brushed off.  In fact, both of my boys had elevated MCH, MCV and BUN, like me!  I have read in Andrew Cutler's book, Amalgam Illness, that elevated MCH and MCV is very typical of those with mercury poisoning.

Symptoms of low iodine in children are: slow growth (bingo), low muscle tone (bingo), lack of stomach acid (bingo), frequent infections (bingo), overgrowth of yeast and bacteria (bingo) far five for five.  And, according to Ayurvedic practionner Dr Douillard, "iodine protects our body’s cells from Chlorine, bromine and fluorine that can be carcinogenic in high concentrations. Heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants, compete for iodine receptors in our bodies, and if our iodine levels are low, the receptors get filled with the toxins instead."  Ahem, need I say more here? 

I see now why the symbol for autism is the piece of a puzzle.  We literally have to take bits and pieces of information from varying sources to piece together our children's health status.  Only this will allow us to put it all back together, AKA - recovery!  There is not one doctor, that I know of so far, addressing each and every one of these topics.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure!!  I would like to reiterate to ANYONE trusting just one doctor to find all of the answers for you....DON'T!  Get out there and research, find your own answers, scour internet sites, forums, books, read about your specific child's test results, even if they aren't off the typical ranges.  We get so hooked on scanning down that column "out of range" and breathing a sigh of release when nothing is in that column, but look at their numbers, are there any patterns emerging, are they close to the edge of the range....if there are unanswered questions in your mind, don't wait around for someone else to answer them.  In some cases, even taking a look at your own (and your partner's) health can shed light on what is going on, after all they ARE our offspring.


  1. Jessica,
    How did you test the kids and your cholesterol levels? It seems like we've run just about every test known to man but I do not recall ever seeing anything about cholesterol in them. Thanks


  2. Kara, I think it was a lipid profile, but I am not positive. I'm sure you could just ask your doctor to order blood work to get your child's cholesterol checked. I know that people do it all the time. I don't think it was anything different from what an adult would have done to check their cholesterol levels. Just be aware that the lab values are not ideal. Anything under 160mg/dL is considered too low.
