
Monday, April 5, 2010

BAX3000 vaccine treatment

So on Wednesday Grayson was treated for vaccines using the BAX.  We didn't really expect to see anything different from our usual calm child afterwards.  We were hanging around the office with some people and I noticed that Grayson was acting strange, swatting at his head (which we haven't seen in a LONG time) and itching his ankles with the opposite foot again (something else we haven't seen in a while).  Then I noticed that his neck was spotted so I lifted his shirt and he had a smooth, red dotted rash all over his back, neck and upper chest!  He was irritable, fearful, hot and itchy.  He didn't want to talk to the other children in the office by himself, we had to sit with him.  He is the MOST social child you could ever meet, so this was VERY odd.  This is not the usual response to his treatments and it was definitely all of a sudden!  My husband was convinced it was an immediate reaction to the BAX and even the doctor said the rash looked like detox.  The days after treatment were a blur of exhaustion for me, he was emotional, moody, fearful of things that haven't bothered him in months like bugs outside, the sun was too hot for him to play on the deck (spring days with temps in the high sixties, low seventies), he was disturbed by my blender sound, and he was just plain mean to his little brother.  It is now Monday and today he has woken up like a different child, even more mellow and even-tempered than before!  He came downstairs first thing this morning and painted while waiting for me to wake up, he sang along with my loud blender, he went outside in long pants and a shirt and played in the hot sun (it's warmer this morning than the past few days have been), he is out playing golf on his own without fear of the bugs, and I can hear him interacting with his little brother beautifully.  When Gavin cries, he asks him if he is ok!!  And the ultimate change I have seen this morning, this may seem odd, has to do with going to the bathroom, ha ha ha.  I have been working on getting him to wipe himself after going #2 and he has been so resistant.  He is literally disgusted to the point of tears by the act of wiping and touching where it is "dirty".  This morning he was waiting for me to wipe him and I was involved with cleaning up after his little brother's breakfast mess, so I told him to get started by unrolling the toilet paper and tearing it off.  Next thing I know, he was trying himself, then a second time (because I always tell him to wipe and check again, lol, so he doesn't miss anything)!!!  He actually completed the entire process himself and was SO proud of doing it!!  So was it the BAX treatment or just coincidental timing?  I don't know, but I do know that there was a DEFINITE reaction immediately following treatment, that much we can't deny.  I can't tell you how happy I am to hear my son playing in the yard right now, trying to catch a moth in mid-air flight....the same child who this weekend was afraid to pass by bugs to leave the safety of the deck.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    I've been reading your blog with a lot of enthusiasm. Congratulations on your progress with your son.

    Is there anyway you could email me privately, as I have a lot of questions about BAX3000 and whether or not it is related to the Zyto machine? Similar to Bioset?

    I have a 3 year old boy for whom I am thinking about trying this kind of treatment.

    Thank you,

    Didi (
