
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holy infraction batman!

iJust the other day Dave picked up a baby puff that inadvertently made it's way from baby fingers to the floor and he said that we need to be careful about Grayson getting a hold of one. I thought nothing of it until the next day when Grayson came into the family room and told us he found a puff....and where was it? Yes, you guessed it, in his belly!! Uh oh...oh well, not much we can do now. I gave him a few No Phenols, and upped the enzyme action for the next few meals, to no avail. Let me tell you the havoc that darn little itty-bitty fluff of a puff caused!! Yesterday was like sensory hell. He was on overload, everything bothered him especially his pants and his shirt - he shrugs constantly, pulls on sleeves, stretches his arms, because he can "feel" his clothes, ummm, don't we all feel our clothes?? Yes, but he FEELS them and hates it, on his bad days!! He was an emotional basket-case, crying even when he had to talk to me about anything that wasn't going his way, which was ohhhhh, just about everything!! His attention span was minuscule, he pulled out every possible toy he owns as he was trying to tame the boredom monster within, he was making messes faster than I could conjure them in my wildest dreams, meanwhile I have a 6 month old going through severe separation anxiety who won't let me put him down, that makes for a whirlwind of mess around me! After a nutty and severely emotional dining experience, he actually managed to earn a tv pass which allowed him to watch a show before bed. Can I tell you how much I LOVED these few moments of peace?!! It would be SO easy to just turn on the tv and let him veg, but we all know that would be the easy way out and not so helpful in the long run. Yes, you can call me a glutton for punishment, I never take the easy road. So back to the infraction. you would think he could sleep off something like that - WRONG! Yesterday he was Dr. Jekyl and today, you guessed it, Mr. Hyde! I had a slew of new "symptoms" to cope with today. He was lethargic, slurring and speaking slowly and drawn out, spaced out at times, tracing everything within arms reach with his fingers, literally tripping over his own feet left and right, he said he didn't feel well, his tummy hurt and what really got to me the most was that he was enjoying Gavin's misfortunes. If he bumped his little head with a toy or fell back from sitting, Grayson would laugh hysterically. Grayson has NEVER been anything but encouraging and caring towards his baby brother. My frustration levels were skyrocketing. But oddly, every time I looked Grayson in the eyes, he would grin widely and say, "Are you happy mommy?" How could I not be with that goofy little boy looking back at me. I am reminded of how much he needs us, how far he has come in this struggle, because we seek answers and because we don't take no for an answer. We go against the grain for him. I love this little boy with more heart than I even have, even on his worst days. So I am utterly exhausted today, but tomorrow is another day and I can't wait to wake to their little faces...

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog through the hsc message board. This sounds so much like what we have been going through. When I found Pantley's book, I thought that I had found the answer to what was going on with our then 5 year old. After having her tested for Sensory Processing (because I couldn't find anyone who dealt with HSC), I was told that she didn't fit into SP--too high functioning (which I didn't think really had anything to do with it) and only one area--clothing and textures--seemed to really fit. We have wound our way around through doctors, chiropractors (anti-yeast drops and vitamins and no dairy), herbalists (more vitamins and supplements) and psychiatrists (who, of course, wanted to put her on anti-depressants) and finally a "worry coach" to deal with the diagnosis of OCD that we picked up along the way. She worries to be sure, but even her "worry coach" is now saying that she really thinks it may be more of a sensory issue! Back to where we started. And people (especially the MDs) laughed when I told them that I was trying vitamins and eliminating milk, etc. Uggh! You sound like you have some valuable info. What should I do now?tr
